This story is featured in a collection of Bible stories for kids called Pray without Ceasing: Bible Stories for Kids about Prayer. Daniel Prays Every Day Daniel 6 After the Jews were conquered by the Babylonians, they were forced to live away from their home. It was not easy to continue to worship God, and some…
Archives for September 2020
August 2020 Project Report
Here is my monthly report on projects, goals, and the lessons I’m learning along the way. My 2020 Goals Professional Goals: 92% / Double the number of members of The Religion Teacher (December 2017 to present) (+0%) 381,474/1,000,000 words for kids (A part of my #1millionwordsforkids goal) (+11,949 words) 551/600 Resources (Videos/Worksheets) for Members of…
Jonah and the Whale: A Bible Story for Kids
This story is featured in a collection of Bible stories for kids called Pray without Ceasing: Bible Stories for Kids about Prayer. Jonah 1–2 Jonah was a prophet. God sent him to preach a message of repentance to the people of Nineveh. Jonah tried to avoid this calling from God, but God would not let him. …
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector: A Bible Story for Kids
This story is featured in a collection of Bible stories for kids called Pray without Ceasing: Bible Stories for Kids about Prayer. Luke 18:9–14 When we pray, we must be humble before God. He does not respond to our prayers because of how holy or special we are. He responds to us when we pray in…
The One and Only Ivan Reflection Questions
Last week my daughters and I finished reading The One and Only Ivan and then watched the movie on Disney+. It was my second time reading it and the first full reading for the girls. They loved it and so did I. The movie was good, too, but not nearly as good as the book. (Ivan’s voice in the…