Share this story with a kid who is struggling to make decisions.
The following story is inspired by the philosophical paradox known as “Buridan’s ass (donkey).” A donkey is equally hungry and thirsty and standing exactly in between both food and water. The donkey would usually go to the one that is closer first, but this time the donkey is right in the middle of both choices. Since it can’t choose one or the other, the donkey dies of hunger and thirst.
The story gets it’s name from French philosopher Jean Buridan, who wrote about moral determinism. He suggested that all choices have causes outside of ourselves. In other words, nothing is self-caused since it was inspired by other preceding events and experiences. The donkey parable critiques this view because the donkey dies from making no choice at all.
Aristotle first proposed the moral of the story in 350 BC:
…a man, being just as hungry as thirsty, and placed in between food and drink, must necessarily remain where he is and starve to death.
— Aristotle, On the Heavens 295b
I first came across the story when Derek Sivers shared it on the Tim Ferriss Show podcast. He offered the following lesson from the story: “Don’t be a donkey.”
“A donkey can’t think of the future. If he could, he’d clearly realize that he could first drink the water, then go eat the hay.
Don’t be a donkey. You can do everything you want to do. You just need foresight and patience.”
I’m less interested in inspring a philosophical discussion with kids but instead getting them to realize more practical advice like the conclusion Derek Sivers suggests.
So, here’s the story and a few questions to discuss with kids.
The Undecided Donkey
A donkey approached the barn with his head held low after a long day’s work. He was very hungry and thirsty.
The donkey looked up and saw that he stood exactly halfway between a pile of hay and a bucket of water.
The donkey didn’t move. He couldn’t move. He kept looking back and forth between the hay and the water.
Which one should he get first: the food or the water?
He stood there uncertain of what to do so long that he eventually died of hunger and thirst.
Don’t be the donkey.
The Undecided Donkey Questions
- What should the donkey have done instead of standing there?
- What decisions are you struggling with the most today and why?
- What helps you make tough decisions?
- Make a list of all the goals you have in life right now. Which one should you pursue first and why?