Angry Ninja is a part of the Ninja Life Hacks series by Mary Nhin. It teaches kids how to calm down when they are angry using the 1 + 3 +10 Strategy. The book is available in paperback and on Amazon Kindle. Read the book to your kids or show this video reading of the…
Archives for February 2022
January 2022 Project Report
My 2022 Goals & Visions In addition to the concrete goals I’m working towards this year, I’m also sharing the vision for why the goals exist in the first place. I find a vision to be much more motivating than a goal, but a goal to be much easier to act upon than a vision….
A Little Spot of Anxiety Worksheet
A Little Spot of Anxiety by Diane Alber teaches kids how to calm their minds when they are worried. This book is part of a series of spot books called Inspire to Create a Better You! Get your copy of A Little Spot of Anxiety as paperback or on Kindle. You can also watch and…
Anxious Ninja Worksheet
Anxious Ninja is a part of the Ninja Life Hacks series by Mary Nhin. All of the Ninja books are fun for kids, but I found the Anxious Ninja to be particularly helpful in teaching my kids how to calm down when they are overwhelmed with worry and emotions. The book is available in paperback…