Two siblings were rummaging through boxes of their grandparents’s house during a weekend stay. They came across a board game they had never seen before. The title on the box read “Chess.” “Let’s play,” said the boy. “Do you know the rules?” asked his sister. “No, but we can figure it out,” the brother replied. …
Archives for January 2021
My 2020 Annual Project Report
Here is a look back on the major projects I worked on this year and the time I spent creating and sharing practical resources as an author and entrepreneur. This is my fourth annual project report. Here are the others: 2017, 2018, and 2019. I also updated a full history of the most memorable projects I worked…
The Seagull and the Rock: A Psalm 18 Story for Kids
The larger, stronger seagulls laughed at him. “Fly up here and be free little one! Don’t be stuck to that rock. Get out and enjoy the great world.” The little seagull ignored them. He flew often to gather food and enjoy the air, but he never went far from the rock. One day a great…
The Conversion of Saint Paul: A Bible Story for Kids
Acts 9:1-22 and Acts 22:3-16 Saint Paul wrote more books in the New Testament than anyone else. He is one of the most important leaders in the early Church and responsible for the foundation of many churches throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Before his conversion to Christianity, however, he imprisoned and even killed Christians for believing…
December 2020 Project Report
Here is my monthly report on projects, goals, and the lessons I’m learning along the way. My 2020 Goals Professional Goals: 100% / Double the number of members of The Religion Teacher (December 2017 to present) (+8%) 441,860/1,000,000 words for kids (A part of my #1millionwordsforkids goal) (+18,432 words) 593/600 Resources (Videos/Worksheets) for Members of…