This story is featured in Prepare the Way: Advent and Christmas Bible Stories for Kids.
Bible Verse: Isaiah 11:1–10
In addition to an Advent wreath, the Jesse Tree is a common way to count the days leading up to Christmas. Each day, we remember an ancestor of Jesus, leading all the way back to Jesse, the father of King David. This story is the prophet Isaiah’s description of what Jesus, the descendant of Jesse and David, will do for the world.
As you read this story, pay attention to what the world will be like when the Messiah comes.
There will be a day when a man is born as a descendant of King David. He will be like a plant growing out of the roots of a tree stump. That stump is Jesse, the father of King David.
From the roots of that stump will grow a blossoming flower, a man who will do many great things.
Upon him the Holy Spirit will rest. He will receive a Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and strength, knowledge, and fear of the Lord.
He will judge with righteousness. He will bring justice for the poor and meek of the world. He will be an example for all of faithfulness and righteousness.
When he comes, it will be as if a wolf lives with the lambs rather than eating them. A lion will lie down with the cows and not kill them. Cows and bears will graze the fields. Lions will eat straw instead of meat. A little child will lead them all.
A baby will play safely by the hole of a snake. A child will place his hand in the hole and take it out unbitten.
It will be a time of great peace in the world. No harm will come to those on the holy mountain of the Lord. The entire world will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, just like the waters of the sea.
On the day that he will come, a signal will be raised for all the nations of the world. Even the Gentiles, who are not from the people of Israel, will seek him out, and his house will be glorious.
Reflection Questions
- What will the world be like when the Messiah comes?
- How has Jesus brought peace into your heart and life?
- How are you like a signal to the world showing the peace that God can give?
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