Teachers spend a lot of time teaching about presidential and national elections, but how much do kids know about the roles of the local elected officials?
During every election season campaign signs line the streets and yards of the local community with people running for offices like county commissioner, coroner, auditor, surveyor, etc.
But do your students actually know what these people do?
Here’s a quick guide to local elected officials for kids:
A Local Election Guide for Kids
Oversees the administration of a city including services and policy implementation.
City Council Member
Votes on legislation and budgets for the city.
County Commissioner
Together with other elected commissioners, they vote to create and approve budgets, local ordinances, and the zoning and maintenance of infrastructure.
County Coroner
Investigates deaths within a county especially those occurring in suspicious ways.
County Recorder
Maintains legal documents especially related to property, debt, birth, death, and marriages.
County Surveyor
Keeps accurate maps of land and property boundaries within a county.
County Treasurer
Oversees tax collection and distributes funds to county departments and initiatives.
County Auditor
Maintains financial records and oversight over a county’s budget and spending.
School Board Member
Votes on policies affecting a school district’s budget, curriculum, and employees.
Local Election Reflection Questions
1. Which of these local officials do you think has the most important role and why?
2. Which of these roles would you like to serve in the most and why?
3. Who are the people serving in or running for these roles in your area?
Download the Local Election Guide Worksheet

Download and print this worksheet listing local offices to help students understand what their local elected officials do: