Ministry with Adults
We have to think of ways we can proclaim the Gospel message (found most fully in the Eucharist) so that it ignites a passion in the hearts of loosely connected Catholics and compels them to learn everything they can about the Christian way of life. In this way, they can be the agents of healing for those who have abandoned their Catholic faith. They will become the agents of evangelization capable of welcoming back those who have fallen away. They will be the ones who ultimately reach that 10 percent of Americans who were raised Catholic but are now Protestant or unaffiliated with any religion at all. We cannot catechize our way to reach them. We have to take on a different approach.
This chapter is about teaching the faithful Catholic adults, proclaiming the Gospel to the “Christmas-and-Easter Catholics,” and healing the many fallen-away Catholics who feel marginalized and abandoned by the Church
Top Takeaways from Chapter 13
Inviteable Events
Establish a strong evangelizing activity that you can always invite adults to attend: Cursillo, CRHP, Alpha, etc.
One-on-One Relationships
Develop one-on-one relationships and extend personal invitations to inviteable events.
Baptism, Weddings, and Funerals
Take the opportunity to heal those who mourn, proclaim good news to them, and teach them about the mysteries of our faith.
The Three F’s
Proclaim the good news of God’s love for us by focusing on important issues for adults: finances, family, and fights.
Centrality of the Eucharist
The Eucharist draws people into the full communion with the Church, so make it the focal point of Catholic evangelization and not something to save for later.
Start Small
Small groups create a supportive community through which adults can grow closer to Christ and his Church. They are essential.
Further Reading
“A Parish on Fire for Christ: What’s the Secret?”
Kathy Schiffer
“Responders for Adult Faith Presentations”
Joe Paprocki