Jesus was not crucified alone. There were criminals there with him who were also sentenced to death. This is the story of a conversation Jesus had with the two other men who were crucified by his side.
As you read this story, pay attention to what Jesus promises to the criminal who defends him.
The soldiers nailed Jesus’s hands and feet to the cross and raised it high. Two criminals were also nailed to crosses on his right and left.
One of the criminals said, “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”
But the other criminal scolded the man. “Do you not fear God? You are condemned to death just like us, but you and I are getting what we deserve. This man has done nothing wrong.”
He looked to Jesus and said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus replied, “Today you will be with me in the Paradise of heaven.”
Reflection Questions
- What is the Paradise that Jesus promises to the criminal who spoke up for him?
- When have you felt like either one of the criminals who were crucified with Jesus?
- How can you defend Jesus to those who do not believe in him?
The Story of the Two Thieves (Criminals) on the Cross Video
Here is a short summary and meditation on this Bible story:
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