First, I set out to learn what Jesus did to evangelize. He healed; he proclaimed; and he taught. This became Part 1 and Part 2 of To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach. Next, I set out to find the models that were working best in evangelizing ministries today. Clearly personal formation, one-on-one discipleship, small group ministries,…
Evangelizing Ministry
To Evangelize, You Have to Be Evangelized
I’ve heard it said many times that in order to be a good writer you have to read. It’s advice that transfers into almost any endeavor. Want to be a good golfer? Watch or play with good golfers. Want to be a good leader? Work for a good leader. Want to learn how to…
Evangelization…is letting the Word in (not just getting the Word out).
It seems as though evangelization is all about getting the Word out. We have a lot to share. We want people to appreciate the beauty of the faith. We want to share the truths of our faith with as many people as possible. The problem is, we can become so focused on getting the Word…
Evangelization is . . . a mother praying for her adult child.
On these feasts of St. Monica and St. Augustine, I’m thinking of all the incredible mothers in the world praying that their sons and daughters find God. So many parents today are heartbroken that their children do not share the same kind of love for God that they do. They are disappointed in themselves that…
“Even when you’re left out, Jesus loves you.” (Thank You Vacation Bible School!)
“Even when you’re left out, Jesus loves you.” My girls were reciting this back and forth to each other last week. You could tell their Vacation Bible School was doing a great job. They have the line memorized and the stories they heard, videos they watched, and activities they did reinforced this message. I’m so…