I spent the last five minutes and sixteen seconds trying to pick the right idea to write about this morning. I typically spend 10-20 minutes writing these posts about what I’m learning so that five minutes was wasted time. I had these idea ideas in my head: Angela Duckworth’s expansion on the Warren Buffet goal-setting…
Writing to Learn
A number of authors have said that writing helps them think, learn, and form an opinion about something. This may seem like an obvious truth, but until I started keeping this daily learning log I didn’t realize how true it was. I find that the lessons and ideas I record in this blog are much…
Ready Player One: On Writing Movies and Books
I read Ready Player One last year and loved it. I was very excited about the movie coming out. I saw the movie last night and–as many critics have pointed out–it is very different from the book. I won’t offer any critique or analysis here. What I find interesting, though, is that the author of…
Why Canadian Rock Band Sloan Didn’t Quit
In 1999 my closest high school friends and I were obsessed with a Canadian band named Sloan. No one we knew had really heard of them, but we loved everything they did. As a group we went to many Sloan concerts together in high school and then during college. But in 1999 Sloan was wondering…
Keeping a One-Sentence-a-Day Journal
At the very beginning of this year I heard Ryan Holiday tell James Altucher on a podcast interview that he keeps a one-sentence journal. Since it was the beginning of the year, I thought I would give it a try. I added it to my Morning Preview checklist and starting writing one sentence in an…