In the past I advised authors to buy the domain name of the title of their book so they could build a website for the launch and for book resources. As an alternative to the domain name, authors could always buy some variation of the title plus “book” as many other authors have done.
One reason for this is that when you are interviewed about your book or giving a talk about the book, you can give a simple and memorable domain name for it. People can go there to learn more about the book, get supporting resources, and find links to buy it.
As I look ahead to the launch of my sixth book, Christ in the Classroom, I’m rethinking this advice.
I have websites set up for three of my books. They have a lot of helpful resources to support the books. They have links to sign up for an email list for the books. The web address is even in the books themselves.
But here is the thing: I plan to write at least one book a year for the rest of my life. Do I really want to maintain and pay for the domain names for each of these books? Do I want to keep up with a separate email list for each of the books?
Managing the many different websites I’ve built over the years is already stretching my minimalist tendencies. I haven’t touched the book websites since around the launch of each of the books. I was pleased to see the email lists growing, but sending them updates regularly just doesn’t fit into my long-term plans.
This strategy makes a lot of sense when you only have a few books, but over time the many different websites and URLs become too difficult to manage.
My advice to myself and other authors would instead be to think about having one website home base and landing pages for each of your books there. You can buy a domain name to redirect to your site, but setting up separate websites for each of your books will become cumbersome over time.
On the other hand, if you see the book you are writing to be the cornerstone of your work for many years to come, then maybe setting up a website is the best decision for you. Just keep in mind that your priorities right now may shift in just a few years time.
Lastly, I would never suggesting setting up a separate social media account for your book. It is too difficult to build a following and people like to follow people not products.