So, Lent is here and you still haven’t decided on what you are giving up. Don’t panic. Don’t over-think things. You don’t have to come up with some grand, deeply spiritual, incredibly transformative super-human idea to give up for Lent. There are all sorts of things to give up for Lent, but don’t let the number of choices hold you back.
Just choose.
Choose something and stick to it. Don’t worry about how important it is to give it up. The procrastination is a sign that the Resistance is getting the best of you. You can fight it by taking a leap and not looking back.
Try using something from this list of last-minute ideas to give up for Lent.
40 Things to Give Up for Lent Before It’s Too Late
1. All TV
2. Netflix
3. Music
4. Talk Radio
5. Social Media
6. Texting / Text Messenging
7. YouTube
8. Peanut Butter
9. Hair gel (spray, pomade, etc.)
10. Make-up
11. Chocolate (too easy)
12. Meat
13. Wheat/Gluten
14. Your favorite pair of jeans.
15. A specific TV show or series
16. Saying “yes”
17. Saying “no”
18. Coffee
19. Alcoholic Beverages
20. The News (local, world, and sports)
21. Podcasts
22. Blogs
23. Diet Coke (or any other carbonated beverage)
24. Fiction Books
25. Magazines
26. Fast Food
27. Weekends (and volunteer for a charity or your church)
28. Time (and add prayer)
29. Eating Between Meals
30. Basketball (wait…even during March Madness?!?)
31. Condiments (anything you put on your food: dressings, ketchup, sauce, etc.)
32. Sleep (wake up and pray, read, or work)
33. Your Favorite Pen
34. The iPad (or other tablet/eReader)
35. The Dishwasher (wash things by hand instead)
36. Matching Socks (see what people say)
37. Clean out your closet and donate some clothing.
38. Clean your house and donate or throw out something old every day during Lent.
39. Multitasking
40. Money (give it to the poor)
(photo credit: Sheldon Wood, Flickr)
Jared — you’re posting here at an intimidating rate. I’m so busy reading your stuff that I’m almost too exhausted to write my own. For Lent, even since I tried giving up my Stars Wars figures in first grade and lasted about three days, I’ve found I’m better off trying to do something new instead of giving up something. This year, I’ll be reflecting a little bit every day on Fr. Jim Martin’s Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything. An unbelievably rich book.
Love that idea, Stephen. I like to add something rather than give it up too. My wife and I usually add a daily prayer together and keep each other accountable. This year we’re doing the Divine Mercy Chaplet.