This story is inspired by the life of Charles Blondin, the most famous tightrope walker of the 19th century. He made a name for himself by frequently crossing Niagara Falls on a tightrope in various ways: blindfolded, wearing stilts, pushing a wheelbarrow, and even by carrying a man on his back. The following parable circulated…
Archives for February 2024
The Parable of the Two Arrows for Kids
The Parable of the Two Arrows provides a helpful lesson about our response to pain and suffering from the Buddhist tradition. The message of the story is a great example of where Buddhist and Christian wisdom align. From a Christian perspective, the second arrow in the story is usually avoided through mercy and forgiveness. The…
The Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant for Kids
The Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant originated in ancient India probably around the time that the Buddha’s teachings were beginning to spread around the region. This story is a perfect way to kick-off a discussion about people with differing opinions. In our very divided society today, it is helpful to return to…