After you pay off your debt and fill up an emergency fund of cash, Dave Ramsey and many other suggest that you invest 15% of your income into retirement accounts (401k, IRA, etc.). I always forget, however, what counts as the 15%. Do you invest 15% of your salary (gross income) or 15% of your…
Archives for April 2018
Sugar and Sin
Eating sugar is not a sin, but it has many similarities to the experience of sin: You have a desire for it. It feels great during and for a very short time afterwards. After awhile you feel worse than you did before. If you are not careful, you will become addicted to it. The more…
Set Up the Ending with Hints Throughout the Story
We watched Wonder last night. It was very moving, of course. I teared up at times during the movie that I didn’t expect. As a parent, this happens a lot while watching movies. I won’t give away the ending, but I felt that it didn’t land as poignantly as it could have. The ending scene…
A Book Idea Notebook
Stephen King advises authors not to keep a notebook of story ideas. He has said: “I think keeping a notebook is the best way to immortalize bad ideas.” The reason is that a good idea will stick with you. You won’t need to write it down to remember it. In her Masterclass on writing Judy…
Happy Money Book Summary
Happy Moneyย by Laura Buenostar is a book I’ve had on my Amazon wishlist for a number of years. It is a very short, $0.99 eBook with a compelling take-away: a 2-step formula for money. The Happy Money Method is: Step 1: Give Give money anonymously to others. Specifically, write a blessing on five one-dollar bills…