The Testimony of John the Baptist (John 1:6-8, 19-28) Let the following questions to guide you through a process of Lectio Divina: LECTIO (Reading): What does this passage say that everyone should understand? In what ways is Jesus like light? What is it about John the Baptist that might have caused someone to think he…
Archives for December 2017
Growth = Input + Output
Every day for the last forty days, I have posted something I have learned to this blog. At the risk of sounding “meta,” I want to share something I’ve learned about learning. It is a lesson that is obvious from the outside, but only revealed to the practitioner through experience. Almost all of my posts…
Nonfiction Author = Teacher
“I think of myself as a teacher, not an author.” Tim Ferriss Source: The Ask Gary Vee Show Tim Ferriss is one of the most successful nonfiction authors of the last decade. He became the vanguard of a generation freelancers and solopreneurs. His books have sold millions of copies. Yet, he identifies himself as a…
Content Marketing Categories: Your Content Needs a Purpose
When most people think of content marketing, they think of Facebook posts, blog posts, videos, etc. without any real idea of why they are doing it. This starts an obsession with the number of impressions and likes and traffic from these efforts. I know because I have been guilty of this. Let’s set aside for…
November 2017 Project Report
Welcome to my November 2017 Project Report. My goal with this report is to help other authors, entrepreneurs, leaders, or anyone else who wants to make an impact on others. Each month I will share how I spent my time as an author and creative entrepreneur and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. How I…