This story is featured in two collections of Bible stories for kids called Do Not Be Afraid: Bible Stories for Kids about Hope.

Genesis 6–9
Long ago, the world was filled with very sinful people. God decided to punish them. Noah was a good man. God called him to gather his family and two of every animal into his large boat (the ark) while the earth was flooded.
As you read this story, pay attention to the promise God makes to Noah after the flood.
Once Noah had loaded the last pair of animals onto his ark, the rain came down and the water started to rise. The flood was so great that the water rose high above the mountains.
Only Noah, his family, and the many animals in their care remained, floating above the water on the ark during the forty days of rain. It felt like a very long time. Noah continued to trust in God with hope that the flood would soon end.
Then God finally sent the wind to settle the waters. The flood subsided. The ark settled on top of a mountain.
Noah opened up a window and looked out over the earth. He sent a dove to make sure the flood was completely ended. The dove came back holding a branch from an olive tree. Noah knew the world was at peace again.
God made a promise to Noah never to flood the earth again. To show that promise, God sent a rainbow as another sign of peace. The rainbows that come after rain are a sign that God will not punish the whole earth again with a flood.
Reflection Questions
- What promise did God give to Noah after the flood?
- What makes you feel peaceful, like the dove and the rainbow in this story?
- How can you bring peace to the people around you?
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