We could all get sick tomorrow or the next day. By writing this, I probably jinx myself and the family.
I don’t consume the news, or maybe more accurately, I don’t let the news consume me.
My wife rolls her eyes every time I talk about the news. I just can’t handle the fear-inducing headlines that news outlets use to get attention. Whether it is the flu “epidemic” or giving an ordinary Midwest winter storm a name like a hurricane, the news spreads fear to get people to pay attention.
The flu might be bad. The storm might close school. Worrying about it ahead of time doesn’t change things.
I’ve spent the last year or so removing all sources of news and newsfeeds and I have to say I am happier than ever. By removing the source of fear, I am able to focus on my two main priorities: the real people around me who I love and reaching my goals.