The Parable of the Two Wolves is often attributed to the Cherokee American Indians. It has been featured in various movies and TV shows. Here is a short kid-version of the story for kids.
The Tale of the Two Wolves
A grandfather sat his grandson down for a short, life lesson:
There are two wolves. These wolves are always fighting.
One wolf is light and goodness. He is full of joy, hope, faith, and love.
The Good Wolf makes us happy.
The other wolf is evil. He is full of hate, fear, envy, and sorrow.
The Evil Wolf makes us sad.
The grandson thought for a moment, then asked, “Which wolf wins?”
“The one you feed,” he said in reply.
The Two Wolves Story Reflection Questions
- How do we feed the Good Wolf?
- How do we feed the Evil Wolf?
- When is it easier to feed the Evil Wolf instead of the Good Wolf?
- Which wolf is winning the most in your life lately? Why?
- How will you feed the Good Wolf for the rest of your day?
Download a PDF of this story along with the questions for reflection or discussion.