The Preaching of John the Baptist (Mark 1:1-8)
Let the following questions to guide you through a process of Lectio Divina:
LECTIO (Reading): What does this passage say that everyone should understand?
- What was John the Baptist’s goal?
- What was it about John the Baptist that must have made him so popular throughout Judea and Jerusalem?
- How does the gospel describe his appearance?
MEDITATION (Meditation): What does the text say to me, today, and to my life?
- How will you prepare the way for Jesus to come into your life this Advent season?
- What sins do you need forgiven?
- How can you fast like John the Baptist during this Advent season?
ORATIO (Prayer): What can I say to the Lord in response to his word?
- In your Advent wreath prayer, light the second candle, which stands for peace. In what areas of your life do you need to ask for Christ’s peace?
- When will you set aside some time this month to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
- Do you need to recommit to your Advent prayer commitment?
CONTEMPLATIO (Contemplation): What conversion of the mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
- How will you be more like John the Baptist?
- How will you repent?
- How will you experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit?