An archangel and an angel looked down upon the earth. It was the angel’s first time seeing the world. He was eager to learn about God’s creating from the more experienced archangel.
The angel looked down and saw all of God’s work. He saw the many living things that God had made on the earth. There were animals, plants, and beautiful scenery everywhere he looked.
“Now, see this greatest of God’s creation,” said the archangel.
The angel looked and saw the archangel pointing to one of the animals.
“This is a human,” the archangel said.
“A human? What makes them so great?” asked the angel.
“God has given them a very great gift. Look out again over all the earth. All these things, the Lord has given over to the humans to rule over. He has given them the works of his hands. He has made them a little less than gods, crowning them in glory and honor,” said the archangel.
“What made them so worthy of this honor?” asked the angel.
“Worthy? There is nothing they can do to be worthy of this gift. God gives them this gift whether they deserve it or not. That is why it is a gift,” said the archangel.
“So, why did God make them? Why did he give them such an incredible gift?” asked the angel.
“Who are we to know? But listen closely to the words that this human is speaking just now. It may give us a clue,” said the archangel.
The human knelt down with eyes closed and said, “O Lord, how awesome is your name through all the earth!”
“Wow,” said the angel. “They sound like us!”
“When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place—What is man that you are mindful of him, and a son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him little less than a god, crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him rule over the works of your hands, put all things at his feet.”
Psalm 8:4-7
Reflection Questions
- What gift did God give to the human race?
- What do we do to deserve God’s gifts?
- What parts of God’s creation are you grateful to have? Which plants and animals do you like most? Which parts of the world do you find to be the most beautiful?
- How can you praise God for his awesome name today?
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