This story is featured in a collection of Bible stories for kids about Lent called Take Up Your Cross and the book Pray without Ceasing: Bible Stories for Kids about Prayer.

The Parable of the Persistent Widow
Luke 18:1-8
In this parable about prayer Jesus encourages his disciples to be persistent. Too many times we stop asking God for help because we give up or get distracted by other things in life.
As you read this parable, pay attention what the widow did when the judge didn’t give an answer to her requests.
There once was a judge who did not fear God. He was mean to people and very disrespectful.
There was a widow who often came to the judge to ask for help. A widow is a woman whose husband has died. She was the victim of a crime, but the criminal was not punished.
“Grant me justice against my opponent,” she said to the judge.
He refused her request.
She asked him again, but he still refused to help her.
The more she asked, however, the more he started to change his mind.
He thought to himself, ‘Though I have no fear of God and no respect for this widow; she won’t stop bothering me. I will grant her justice so that she will stop coming to me for help.”
Jesus explained this parable to his disciples saying, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God grant justice to the chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to those who keep asking him for help.”
Reflection Questions
- Why did the judge grant the widow justice?
- Have you ever asked God for help without giving up like the widow in the parable?
- What prayer request can you ask of God repeatedly starting today?
Take a break! Break open the Word of God with your kids.
The Bible Breaks Stories for Kids will help you set aside just a few minutes during your day to read and reflect on a God’s Word with your kids. Each short and simple story is written to help you teach children ages 6-12 the most important lessons of the Christian life from Sacred Scripture.
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