My Goal: Outline a framework for evangelization by collecting “best practices” from the Bible, from history, and from ministers and leaders today . . . and then apply them to my own life.
I’ve been writing for and speaking to religious educators for five years now. I’ve got a master’s degree in education and more than ten years teaching experience. I got this teaching thing down, but. . .
Whether you’re a teacher, a catechists, a youth minister, priest, pastor, or work in adult faith formation, the problem isn’t good teaching (catechesis), it’s evangelization. Let’s face it. As Catholics, we’re just not that good at evangelization. Scratch that, I’m not that good at evangelization and I want to get better.
This wasn’t always the case. The Church started out with excellent evangelist. Jesus himself had a method for evangelization that drew people to him and created life-long disciples and evangelizers.
I’m learning everything I can about evangelization in the Bible, evangelization throughout the Church’s history, and effective evangelization in the Church today.
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