Leading up to the feast day of Blessed John Paul II, I have been praying with the Bl. John Paul II prayer app by Little iApps. The JPII prayer App is a part of the eVotions series by Little iApps which includes other apps available for $0.99: St. Michael, St. Francis, St. Joseph, and St. Gianna Molla. They will be adding additional apps to the series as time goes on.
This particular app (free in theย iTunes app store or Android Market) is loaded with content related to the life of the late Pope John Paul II. Through the app you can access videos, a short bio, some traditions, a short welcome by Archbiship Chaput of Philadelphia, and a wide variety of prayers related to his life.
The coolest feature of the John Paul II prayer appis the opportunity to pray a novena. If you are new to using apps in prayer, the eVotions apps have some nice features that you’ll find helpful. You can
- designate a specific intention that will be posted at the bottom of each day’s novena,
- set a reminder (like an alarm) to continue the novena (critical for remembering to pray),
- and view all of the prayers at any time.
If you are looking for something to pray with on the feast of John Paul II (October 22), then check out the eVotions app by Little iApps.
Little iApps is the popular creator of Confession: A Roman Catholic App, which became well known as the first app to receive an imprimatur.
Thank-you for putting up this app. When my Father was alive he was so happy that a Pope came from Poland his Father my Grandfather & his Mother my Grandmother came from Poland the same region where Blessed John Paul II was born. I never met my Grandparents sadly but I know they are happy in heaven.
Patrick, you’ll have to thank the guys at Little iApps. They have already given so many gifts to the Church. Thank you for sharing your story.