Lent has come to an end and Easter is here! If you are like me, you’ve already engorged yourself with those delicious chocolates and treats that you gave up during Lent. (How can you resist those delicious Reese’s Eggs?) These treats help make Easter a true day of celebration just as birthday cake reminds us to feast in celebration of someone’s birth.
But what about all those prayer habits you started during Lent? Will you set those aside like all that fasting you did? Will you pack away or recycle those seasonal prayer books you used daily during Lent? Will you stop praying altogether?
I hope not.
Now is your chance to truly make those daily prayer habits an integral part of your daily life. Don’t stop praying. Return to that favorite place of prayer. Continue to find new times to pray. Buy yourself a new prayer book or download a new prayer app to help you pray daily.
I challenge you not to make your Lenten prayers like those New Years resolutions. Make daily prayer a daily habit and continue to grow closer to God.
I’ll be working hard to improve my daily prayer life and I invite you to join me in that journey here at Prayer Habits.com by subscribing to the Newsletter or RSS Feed.