Here is a fitting end to this collection of Bible stories for the season of Lent: Take Up Your Cross. The story of Jesus’ death does not end in the tomb. He died and rose again so that we might also die and rise with him in the Kingdom of Heaven.

As you read this story, pay attention to what the women do when they see the empty tomb.
On Sunday morning, the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of the apostles James and John, and a woman named Joanna went to Jesus’ tomb. They brought with them spices to anoint his body.
Along the way, Mary Magdalene asked the others, “Who will roll back the stone for us from the entrance of our Lord’s tomb?”
The others did not know the answer. Still they went on their way.
As they arrived at the tomb, the sun was rising. They were astonished to see that the very large stone covering the entrance had already been rolled away.
They ran to the tomb and looked inside. The body of Jesus was gone!
Then two angels wearing dazzling clothing appeared. The women were terrified. They covered their faces and looked to the ground.
“Why do you look for the living among the dead?” the angels said to them. “You seek Jesus of Nazareth. He is not here. He has been raised!”
The women’s eyes filled with tears. They suddenly remembered that Jesus said the Son of Man would die and rise again on the third day.
They left the tomb and went to announce what they had seen to the other disciples.
Reflection Questions
• What proof did the women have that Jesus had risen from the dead?
• How can you announce to others the great gift of Jesus’ death and resurrection?