Steal like an artist.
Find a website with a great homepage and copy it.
I don’t mean copy it exactly and I’m not even talking about the design.
Find a headline and a call-to-action and then turn it into a template for your own work.
For example, Bryan Harris’s homepage for Videofruit gets a 10% conversion rate. It looks like this:
Turn that headline into a template:
Want AUDIENCE to ACTION from you?
If so, you need a OFFER. I’ll show you how to OUTCOME. Just click on the button below.
Start Your OFFER >
(The button leads to a sign up form to get a free email course.)
(P.S. Bryan is sharing his tips on homepage design here.)
I’ll try to apply this to my own work as an example:
The Religion Teacher
Want your students to be more engaged in class?
If so, you need an amazing lesson plan. I’ll show you how to plan an effective lesson plan in minutes. Just click on the orange button below.
Start Your Lesson Plan >
I think this would actually work really well and I should seriously think about updating my homepage!
Let’s apply the formula again this time for some fiction projects I’ve been working on:
Formative Fiction
Want your kids to read educational books they enjoy?
If so, you need a the Formative Fiction Book List. I’ll show you how to get your kids reading better literature before bed. Just click on the button below.
Get Your Book List >
Until I went through this process, I honestly didn’t have an offer in mind. I just figured I would need to create an email list and send people my stories once a week. But when you want people to sign up for an email list, you need to give them something concrete to help them solve a problem.
I could probably turn it into a course instead of just a book list. Something like “how to convince your kids to read better books,” but I’m not sure if that’s something I want to stand for. I want kids to read anything that gets them to open a book. I just wish there were better options.
And maybe “educational” isn’t the right word. Maybe I should focus on “faith-filled” instead since that really has been what my writing continuously comes back to again and again.
So . . . even if you don’t recreate your homepage, go through this process as an exercise. It will help you clarify what you have to offer.