I am rereading Essentialism right now and the thing that sticks out to me the most so far is the importance of deliberate choice. If you are not deliberate about how you choose to spend your time, someone else will choose for you. In other words, you have to have the strength to say no…
Meaning and Motivation
Why Canadian Rock Band Sloan Didn’t Quit
In 1999 my closest high school friends and I were obsessed with a Canadian band named Sloan. No one we knew had really heard of them, but we loved everything they did. As a group we went to many Sloan concerts together in high school and then during college. But in 1999 Sloan was wondering…
Imagining Too Little
Hyperbole isn’t the worst crime. men suffer more from imagining too little than too much. P. T. Barnum in The Greatest Showmanย Visionary leaders, artists, and entrepreneurs show us that the impossible is possible. By default, we imagine too little until someone shows us how to see the world differently. Have confidence. Confidence is the…
Why We Don’t Keep a Budget
I am so grateful that we were given Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover as a newly married couple ten years ago. It gave us a road map to follow to find the financial security we have today. I became a big Dave Ramsey fan back then and listened to the podcast version of his radio…
Clear Instructions
The other day I was helping my daughter with her math homework and we both had a difficult time understanding what to do. Internally, I found myself going through a cycle of thoughts that are shared by so many millions of people in school: “I don’t get it.” “This is dumb.” “I can’t do this.”…