This chapter is the heart of the book. It has a very simple message: If you want to be an evangelizer, you have to be a healer.
We heal by entering into the pain of others and in compassion and mercy suffering with them. No knowledge of doctrines or stories need apply. All we must do is heal by being there for someone when they need us the most.
The chapter focuses on the concept of the Wounded Healer, because Christ was a wounded healer. He was the Suffering Servant not just because he died on the cross. No, he suffered when he healed. He felt compassion and mercy and healed those who came to him for help. We can be merciful and compassionate too. Like Jesus, we can be healers.
Top Takeaways from Chapter 3
Jesus healed the outcasts.
Jesus made disciples by healing the wounds of sin and separation.
We must be Wounded Healers
Healing requires us to share the emotional pain of others–to be suffering servants; wounded healers.
Be imperfect.
We are called to be imperfect witnesses of the Gospel. The more imperfect you are, the more authentic you will be. Don’t try to be perfect like the Pharisees did in the Gospels. Be an imperfect sinner and find unity with the wounded sinners all around you.
Find your own Calcutta.
Bl. Teresa of Calcutta left a career in teaching to serve the poorest of the poor. You don’t have to go to Calcutta to do this. Find those with the greatest need in your life and serve them selflessly.
Heal with Help
Heal with humility and help from God like St. Andre Bessette. Compassion and mercy is difficult to feel without the inspiration and mercy of God. Look to St. Damien of Molokai as a man who followed Christ into a place where pain was inevitable.
Further Reading
“World Meeting of Families Keynote Address on Healing the Family”
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle
“Evangelization is Not Just a Protestant Thing”
Colleen Duggan
“The Power in Vulnerability”
Roy Petitfils
“How Jesus Healed Me (A Personal Testimony)”
Jared Dees
“Teens Need Healing”
Jared Dees