This story is one of the fifty fables in Tales of the Ten Commandments by Jared Dees. Order today at Amazon.com.
A young boy moved into a new neighborhood and went out to ride his bike. On the ride, he saw the other neighborhood boys’ bikes parked in their garages or lying on the sidewalks. There were big black bikes and shiny silver bikes. There were bikes with electric motors and bikes with fancy seats.
Some other boys were riding their bikes so fast that they nearly ran into him from behind. “Look out!” they yelled as they passed by.
The boy looked at his bike with sadness and wished he had one of the other boys’ bikes.
He was turning to ride home when he noticed the coolest bike he had ever seen. He couldn’t keep his eyes off it, and he pedaled faster and faster to get a better look.
He was pedaling hard but not watching where he was going. He ran his bike right into a mailbox.
The boy wasn’t hurt badly, but his bike was irreparably damaged. His parents made him sell the undamaged parts of the bike to help their neighbor pay for a new mailbox. Now when he looked at the other boys riding their bikes, he only wished he had his old bike back so that he could ride with them.
The Tenth Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.